Friday, April 6, 2012


2) Calabar Swelling is seen in
a. loa loa
b. Manso
c. Wucherchia bancrofti
d. Brugui malayi
Answer : a) Loa loa

3) Bacteria in air first demonstrated by
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Lister
c. Ronald Ross
d. Koch’s
Answer : a) Louis Pasteur

4) All are contributions of Louis Pasteur except
a. Sterilisation
b. Vaccine for Rabies
c. Vaccine for anthrax
d. Vaccine for Tuberculosis
Answer : d) Vaccine for Tuberculosis

5) Sereny test is positive in
a. Enteropathogenic E.Coli
b. Entero invasive E.Coli
c. enterotoxic E.Coli
d. verotoxic E.Coli
Answer : b) Enetero Invasive E.Coli

6) The main clinically significatnt Toxin produced by C.diphteria is
a. Exotoxin
b. Endotoxin
c. Both
d. None
Answer : a) Exotoxin

7) Inverted fir tree appearance in stab culture is seen with
a. Bacillus Anthracis
b. Brucella
c. Bordetella
d. None
Answer : a) Bacillus Anthrax

8) Fastidious organism are grown by
a. prolonging incubation time
b. and performing special subcultures
c. both
d. none
Answer : c) both

9) Virus causing Hemorrhagic conjunctivtitis virus is
a. Arbovirus
b. Entero Virus 70
c. Rabies virus
d. Herpes Virus
Answer : b) Enterovirus 70

10) Most Common organism causing nosocomial infection is hospital acquired pneumonia
a. Pseudomonas
b. Staph aureus
c. Streptococcus
d. Both A and B
Answer : d) both a and B

11) Urease producing all except
a. H. pylori
b. Salmonella
c. Klebsilla
d. proteus
Answer : b) Salmonella

12) Vibrio Cholera usually is transported using
a. VR Medium
b. BSA Medium
c. GTTA Medium
d. None of the above
Answer : a) VR medium

13) An example of Double Stranded RNA virus is
a. Reo
b. Rhabdovirus
c. Polio Virus
d. None of the above
Answer : 448

14) All of the following are non Enveloped DNA virus except
a. Herpes virus
b. Adeno virus
c. Parvo virus
d. Papavovirus
Answer : a) Herpes virus

15) About Ancylostoma all are true except
a. Also called as hook worm
b. Causes Anemia
c. All infections are symptomatic
d. Related with ground itch
Answer : All infections are symptomatic

16) Lyme’s disease is caused by
a. borrelia burgdoferi
b. COxilla burnetti
c. Leptospirosis
d. None of the above
Answer : a) Borrelia Burgdoferi

17) Graft from genetically identical member of same species is
a. Allograft
b. Autograft
c. Isograft
d. Xenograft
Answer : c) Isograft

18) A man has inhaled actinomycoses vulgaris (Thermoactinomycosis). He will develop
a. Farmer’s lung
b. Byssionosis
c. Baggassosis
d. Anthracosis
Answer : a) Farmer’s Lung

19) Mc Conkey medium is an example of
a. Transport medium
b. Differential Medium
c. Selective medium
d. Simple medium
Answer : B) Differential Medium

20) Painless diarrhea occurs in
a. Viral diseases
b. Campylobacter diarrhoea
c. Shigella
d. Cholera
Answer : d) Cholera

1) Allograft is a graft obtained from
a. Self
b. Identical Twin
c. A member of same species
d. A member of other species
Answer C) A member of same specie

2) Acute Epiglottitis is caused by
a. H. Influenzae
b. Pneumoccocus
c. Beta hemolytic Streptococci
d. Staphylococcus
Answer : (a) H.Influenzae

3) Staphylococci produces
a. Coagulase
b. Alpha hemolysin
c. Enterotoxin
d. All of the above
Answer (d) All of the above

4) Chancroid is caused by
a. H. Ducreyi
b. Staphylococci
c. Streptococci
d. None of the above
Answer : (a) H.Ducreyi

5) HACEK group of organisms causing infective endocarditis includes all except
a. Haemophilus
b. Actinobacillus
c. Cardiobacterium
d. Klebsiella
Answer (d) Klebsiella

6) Vincent Angina is caused by
a. Staphylococcus
b. Treponema vincenti
c. Fungus
d. Virus
Answer : (b) Treponema Vincenti

Ä Ludwig’s Angina :
o Brawny Swelling
o Putrid Halitosis
o Rx
§ Amoxycillin and Metronidazole intravenous
§ Curved incision below jaw
§ displacing the supf. lobe of Submandibular Salivary gland
§ divide mylohyoid muscles
o Drain
o Anaesthesia
§ Preferred, Local Anesthesia
§ Thiopentone precipitates Laryngeal Spasm and Asphyxia
Ä Vincent’s Angina
o Due to Borrelia
o Involves tonsils
Ä Vincent’s Stomatitis
o Vincent’s Ulcerative Gingivitis
o Trench mouth
o by Treponema vincenti (Fusobacteria)
o involves gums and mouth.
7) Rat bite fever is caused by
a. Spirillum minus
b. Streptobacillus moniliformis
c. Both
d. None
Answer (c) Both
Reference: Ananthanarayanan 7th Edition Page 405
8) Immunity inherent to the individual is
a. Native Immunity
b. Innate Immunity
c. Both
d. None
Answer (c ) Both
Reference: Ananthanarayanan 7th Edition Page 71
9) Forssman Antigen is an example of
a. Heterophile Antigen
b. Species specific Antigen
c. Organ Specific Antigen
d. Any of the above
Answer (a) Heterophile Antigen
Reference: Ananthanarayanan 7th Edition Page 82
10) An example of Dimorphic fungi is
a. Histoplasma capsulatum
b. Sporotrichum
c. Blastomyces
d. All of the above
Answer (d) All of the above

11) Hepatitis B is a
a. Single Stranded DNA Virus
b. Double Stranded DNA Virus
c. Single Stranded RNA Virus
d. Double Stranded RNA Virus
Answer : (B) Double Stranded DNA Virus
Ä All DNA Viruses are Double Stranded except Parvovirus which is a Single stranded DNA Virus
Ä All RNA Viruses are Single Stranded except Reovirus which is a Double stranded DNA Virus
12) Hepatitis C Virus is transmitted by
a. Blood products
b. Food
c. Air
d. None of the above
Answer (a) Blood Products

13) Shape of Rabies Virus
a. Ball Shaped
b. Egg Shaped
c. Bullet Shaped
d. Boat shaped
Answer (c) Bullet shaped

14) The drug that is not commonly given for Pneumococcal Pneumonia is
a. Penicillin
b. Gentamycin
c. Erythromycin
d. Cefotaxime
Answer : (b) Gentamycin

15) Prozone Phenomenon is seen in cases of
a. Antibody Excess
b. Antigen Excess
c. Both
d. None
Answer (A) Antibody Excess
Note : Antigen Excess is Post Zone 

16) Allergy and Anaphylaxis are due to
a. IgE
b. IgA
c. IgG
d. Ig M
Answer (a) IgE

17) Paul Bannel Test uses
a. Sheep RBC
b. Foul RBC
c. Guinea Pig RBC
d. Human RBC
Answer (a) Sheep RBC

18) Protein Structure is found using
a. Southern Blot
b. Northen Blot
c. Western blot
d. Any of the above
Answer : C) Western blot

19) Nagler reaction is due to
a. Cl.Welchi
b. Pseudomonas
c. Streptococcus
d. Mycobacteria
Answer (a) Cl.welchi

20) Gamma carboxylation of Glutamic acid residues require
a. Ca++
b. Na+
c. K+
d. Cl-
Answer (a) Ca++ ion

TNPG 2006 Anaesthesia


 Ether day was
a. 1846 16th Oct
b. 1846 16th Aug
c. 1847 16th Oct
d. 1847 16th Aug
Answer (a) 1846 Oct 16th

 Epileptogenic Anaesthetic Agent is
a. Enflurane
b. Nitrous Oxide
c. Ether
d. None of the above
Answer (a) Enflurane

 A potent and Long Acting LA is
a. Bupivacine
b. Procaine
c. Lignocain
d. None of the above
Answer (a) Bupivacine

All of the following are used for Surface Anaesthesia Except
a. Cocaine
b. Prilocaone
c. Lidocaine
d. Bupivacine
Answer (a) Bupivacine

During General Anaesthesia, Functional Residual Capacity decreases by
a. 5 %
b. 5 to 10 %
c. 10 to 15 %
d. 15 to 20 %
Answer (d) 15 to 20 %

 Which is incorrect about CVP
a. Seldinger’s technique is used
b. Ideal vessel is Radial Artery
c. Normal CVP is 3 to 10 cm of H2O or 2 to 8 mm of Hg
d. CVP more than 20 mm of H2O indicates Right Heart Failure
Answer (b) Ideal Vessel is Radial Artery



1) Drug induced parkinsonism is treated by
a. Carbidopa
b. Bromocriptine
c. Benzhexol
d. Selegiline
Answer : C) Benzhexol

2) Drug with high degree of Photosensitivity is
a. Tetracycline
b. Doxycycline
c. Minocycline
d. Methacycline
Answer : b) Doxycline

3) Minoxidil
a. Topical Application is used in Alopecia
b. Acts on Arteriolar smooth muscles causing relaxation
c. Leads to Sodium Retention
d. All of the above
Answer : D) All of the above

4) Thrombolytic therapy with Streptokinase is Contraindicated in all of the following except
a. Supra ventricular Tachycardia
b. Recent Trauma
c. Recent Cerebral Bleeding
d. Recent Surgery
Answer : a) Supra ventricular Tachycardia

5) Carbenazolone Sodium
a. Promotes Ulcer Healing
b. Slows down Prostaglandin degradation
c. Derived from Glycyrrhetinic Acid
d. All of the above
Answer : d) All of the above

6) Treatment of Lepra Reaction includes
a. Thalidomide
b. Steroids
c. Clofazamine
d. All of the above
Answer : D) All of the above

7) Drug used for treatment of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
a. Teicoplanin
b. Vancomycin
c. Both
d. None
Answer : C) Both

8) Which is obtained from a natural source Naturallly acquiring product –
a. Physostigmine
b. Pilocarpine
c. Heparin
d. All of the above
Answer : D) All of the above

Physostigmine occurs naturally in Calabar or Ordeal bean, Ripe seed of Physostigm venenosum, Heparin in Liver and granulocytes of mast cells, Sulfonamides in Azo dyes, Liq.paraffin in Hydrocarbons.
9) Mechanism of action of Aspirin is inhibition of
a. Thromboxane A2 Synthesis
b. Phosphodiesterase
c. HMG- CoA Reductase
d. Pancreatic Lipase
Answer : A) Thromboxane A2 Synthesis

10) Folic acid
a. Is also called as Pteroyl Glutamic Acid
b. Is useful in Carriage of one Carbon atom moiety
c. Tetra hydro folate is the active form
d. All of the above
Answer : d) All of the above

11) Gene therapy is used for all the following except
a. Gene Addition
b. Gene Correction
c. Modify Vascular Biology
d. None
Answer : d) None
Reference: Harrison 16th Edition Page 392
12) Local Anaesthetics act by
a. Blocking Na and Preventing depolarisation
b. Inhibiting Aldose reductase
c. Increasing degradation of Adrenaline
d. None of the above
Answer : a) Blocking Na and Preventing depolarisatio

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