Thursday, April 5, 2012

Chi-Square test

Stats: Chi-Square

Chi-square distribution
A distribution obtained from the multiplying the ratio of sample variance to population variance by the degrees of freedom when random samples are selected from a normally distributed population
Contingency Table
Data arranged in table form for the chi-square independence test
Expected Frequency
The frequencies obtained by calculation.
Goodness-of-fit Test
A test to see if a sample comes from a population with the given distribution.
Independence Test
A test to see if the row and column variables are independent.
Observed Frequency
The frequencies obtained by observation. These are the sample frequencies.
Stats: Chi-Square Distribution

The chi-square  distribution is obtained from the values of the ratio of the sample variance and population variance multiplied by the degrees of freedom. This occurs when the population is normally distributed with population variance sigma^2.
Properties of the Chi-Square
  • Chi-square is non-negative. Is the ratio of two non-negative values, therefore must be non-negative itself.
  • Chi-square is non-symmetric.
  • There are many different chi-square distributions, one for each degree of freedom.
  • The degrees of freedom when working with a single population variance is n-1.

1 comment:

  1. The Chi- square Test
    Define chi square, what are the purposes of chi square? , define the table of chi square; define the testing of chi square, chi square test,
