Friday, April 6, 2012

dental mcq

1: Best mode of investigation for Interstitial lung disease is ?
C) Xray
D) Ventilation-Perfusion Scan
Answer: B) HRCT
  2: Commonest cause of delay in puberty in males is ?
A) Constitutional delay in growth
B) Klinefelter's syndrome
C) Noonan's syndrome
Answer: A) Constitutional delay in growth

Q3: Therapeutic index is a measure of ?

A) Toxicity
B) Safety
C) Efficacy
D) Potency
Answer: B) Safety

4: Which is contraindicated in trial of labour following Caesarian Section ?

A) History of Classical CS
B) Breech
C) Xray pelivmetry not available
D) No previous vaginal delivery
Answer: A) History of Classical CS

5: Most successful / irreversible method of tubal ligation is ?

A) Hulka clip
B) Ring
C) Unipolar cautery
D) Bipolar cautery
Answer: D) Bipolar cautery

6: Best anastomosis of fallopian tubes is by ?

A) isthmic-isthmic region
B) isthmic-ampullary
Answer: A) isthmic-isthmic region

7: Commonest type of seizure in newborn is ?

A) Tonic
B) Myoclonic
C) Subtle
D) Clonic
Answer: C) Subtle

8: Treatment of Type 2Lepra reaction is ?

A) Thalidomide
B) Steroid
C) Chloroquine
Answer: A) Thalidomide

9: Phase 2 trials are done to detect ?

A) Efficacy
B) Toxic dose
C) Tolerance levels
Answer: A) Efficacy

10: The most radiosensitive phase of the cell cycle is ?

A) M
B) S
C) G1
D) G2/M
Answer: D) G2/M

11: Osteosarcoma of mandible occuring as a secondary after treatment of retinoblastoma, is due to ?

A) Mutation in Rb gene
B) Due to Irradiation
C) Due to Chemotherapy
D) Mutation in p53 gene
Answer: C) Due to Chemotherapy

12: All take part in the formation of nasal septum except ?

A) Ethmoid
B) Sphenoid
C) Lacrimal
D) Palatine
Answer: C) Lacrimal

13: Penicillin effective against Pseudomonas is ?

A) Piperacillin

14: Rib-notching on X-ray is seen in ?

A) Co-arctation of Aorta
B) Rickets
C) Pulmonary AV Fistual
Answer: A) Co-arctation of Aorta

15: Abbe Estlander Flap is used in reconstruction of ?

A) Tongue
B) Lip
C) Pharynx
D) Mandible
Answer: B) Lip

16: Long term hemodialysis is associated with deposition of ?

A) beta2 microglobulin
B) transthyretin
C) pyrin
D) beta amyloid protein
Answer: A) beta2 microglobulin

17: Drug used in severe hypertension in Pre eclampsia is ?

A) Labetalol
B) Metoprolol
C) Alpha methyl dopa
D) Nifedipine
Answer: C) Alpha methyl dopa

18: Ferruginous bodies are seen in ?

A) Asbestosis
B) Byssinosis
C) Silicosis
D) Bagassosis
Answer: A) Asbestosis

19: Which of the following is not an antifungal ?

A) Ciclopirox
B) Fluconazole
C) Clofazimine
D) Undecylenic acid
Answer: C) Clofazimine

20: Pain in ureteric stone is due to ?

A) Irritation of intramural ureter
B) Increased peristalsis of ureter
C) Stretching of renal capsule
D) Rupture ureter with extravasation of urine
Answer: B) Increased peristalsis of ureter

21: Ringed Sideroblasts are seen in ?

B) Myelodysplastic syndrome
Answer: B) Myelodysplastic syndrome

22: All of the following are tributaries of Cavernous sinus except ?

A) inferior petrosal sinus
B) superior petrosal sinus
C) superficial middle cerebral vein
D) deep cerebral vein
Answer: D) deep cerebral vein

23: Blood supply to vas deferens is by ?

A) superior vesical artery
B) middle rectal artery
C) inferior epigastric artery
D) cremasteric artery
Answer: A) superior vesical artery

24: Immunomodulator used topically in genital warts is ?

A) Imiquimod
B) Tacrolimus
C) Podophyllin
Answer: A) Imiquimod

25: Not a side effect of Tacrolimus ?

A) Diabetes / Hyperglycemia
B) Nephrotoxicity
C) Neurotoxicity
D) Hirsuitism
Answer: D) Hirsuitism

26: Vein lying in peritoneal fold guarding the paraduodenal spaces is ?

A) Inferior mesenteric
B) Left colic
C) Splenic
D) Middle colic
Answer: A) Inferior mesenteric

27: Migratory thrombophlebitis is NOT seen in which cancer ?

A) Ca Lung
B) Ca Prostate
D) Ca Pancreas
Answer: B) Ca Prostate

28: Which of the following is a sign of Aortitis ?

A) Descending aorta calcification
B) Ascending aorta calcification
Answer: A) Descending aorta calcification

29: Which of the following vaccines is contraindicated in Pregnancy ?

B) Rabies
C) Hepatitis B
Answer: A) MMR

30: Which of the following is the drug of choice for SVT ?

A) Verapamil
B) Diltiazem
C) Digoxin
D) Phenytoin
Answer: A) Verapamil

31: Most common cause of maternal mortality in India is ?

A) Obstetric hemorrhage
B) Abortion
C) Septicemia
D) Anaemia
Answer: A) Obstetric hemorrhage

32: Most common type of Carcinoma of Thyroid is ?

A) Papillary
B) Medullary
C) Follicular
Answer: A) Papillary

33: Soft ticks are vectors in ?

B) Relapsing Fever
C) Indian tick typhus
D) Tularemia
Answer: B) Relapsing Fever

34: Basement membrane degeneration is mediated by ?

A) Metalloproteinases
Answer: A) Metalloproteinases

35: Treatment of choice for CML is ?

A) Imatinib
B) Hydroxyurea
C) Infliximab
D) Interferon
Answer: A) Imatinib

36: HMB 45 ?

A) Melanoma
Answer: A) Melanoma

37: Diffuse Esophageal Spasm is best diagnosed by ?

A) Endoscopy
B) Barium meal / swallow
C) 24 hr Esophageal manometry
Answer: C) 24 hr Esophageal manometry

38: Carcinoma Cervix is caused by ?

D) Herpes Simplex
Answer: B) HPV

39: Clomiphene citrate acts through ?

A) blocking ER receptors
B) blocking Negative feedback of estrogen on hypothalamus and pituitary
C) acting synergistically with estrogen
D) inhibit gonadotropin secretion
Answer: B) blocking Negative feedback of estrogen on hypothalamus and pituitary

40: Which of the following is not correct regarding RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) ?

A) Fixed by a special group of experts
B) Accoring to intense scientific data
C) Applies to all healthy adults
D) Gives required intake
Answer: C) Applies to all healthy adults

41: Co-arctation of aorta is associated with ?

A) Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Answer: A) Bicuspid Aortic Valve

42: In Hodgkin's lymphoma the following is characteristic ?

A) CD 15 and CD 30
B) CD 10 and CD 15
C) CD 15 and CD 20
Answer: A) CD 15 and CD 30

43: All of the following are true about Vibrio cholerae O139 except ?

A) It produces O1 Lipopolysaccharide
B) It is similar to El Tor
C) It was discovered in Chennai
Answer: A) It produces O1 Lipopolysaccharide

44: Drug for prophylaxis against pertussis ?

A) Erythromycin
Answer: A) Erythromycin

45: False about PDA ?

A) 2-3 times commoner in males
B) Ligation is surgery
C) More in immature infants
Answer: A) 2-3 times commoner in males

46: Psychrometer is used for measuring ?

A) Humidity
B) Room temperature
C) Air velocity
Answer: A) Humidity

Question 47: The term "Dementia Praecox" was given by ?

A) Schneider
B) Kraeplein
C) Bleuer
D) Freud
Answer: B) Kraeplein

48: Cutting the part left of the falciform ligament would mean (according to Couinaud's segments ) ?

A) removing 1 and 4a
B) removing 1 and 4b
C) removing 2, 3
D) removing 2, 3 and 4
Answer: D) removing 2, 3 and 4

49: Secondary glaucoma develops by ?

A) Iris melanoma
B) Melanotic deposition on anterior surface of iris
C) Melanotic deposition in uvea...
D) Enlargement of lens
Answer: B) Melanotic deposition on anterior surface of iris

50: Which of these is not a digastric muscle ?

A) Steno-cleido mastoid
B) Omohyoid
C) Ligament of Treitz
D) Occipitofrontalis
Answer: C) Ligament of Treitz

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