Friday, April 6, 2012

dental mcq 2

51: Anterior cruciate ligament is supplied by ?
A) Medial genicular
B) Descending genicular
C) Middle genicular
D) Superior genicular
Answer: C) Middle genicular

52: Under physiological conditions the phosphorylase b in the muscles is under the inhibitory effect of ?

C) Glucose
D) Ca2+
Answer: B) AMP

53: Testes should have what temperature for spermatogenesis ?

A) Above core body temperature
B) At core temperature
C) Below core body temperature
Answer: C) Below core body temperature

54: Which is correct ?

A) Morula is surrounded by trophoblast
B) Morula has motility to migrate down the fallopian tube
Answer: A) Morula is surrounded by trophoblast

55: Best way to diagnose anal fissure ?

A) Digital rectal examination and history
B) Direct visualization / Anoscopy
Answer: A) Digital rectal examination and history

56: Fracture of 9th and 10th ribs, Patient hemodynamically stable on IV fluids but complains of pain in left lower chest Management ?

A) Laparotomy
Answer: A) Laparotomy

57: Vocal cord nodules in a singer with hoarseness at typical location with acid reflux. Management ?

A) Speech therapy + PPI
B) Radiotherapy
C) Excision with CO2 Laser
Answer: A) Speech therapy + PPI

58: A case of acute calculous cholecystitis ...?

A) Laparoscopy contraindicated in acute stage
B) I V Antibiotics
Answer: B) I V Antibiotics

59: A woman with 2 cm gall stone on Ultrasonography, symptoms controlled. What next ?

A) Regular follow up
Answer: A) Regular follow up

60: Antigen Presenting Cells ?

A) (??)
Answer: A) (??)

61: Nigro protocol in anal cancer ?

A) Chemotherapy with radiation as alternative to surgery
Answer: A) Chemotherapy with radiation as alternative to surgery

62: Not used in PPH ?

A) Syntometrin
B) Syntocinon
C) Mifepristone
Answer: C) Mifepristone

63: Management of 55 year old postmenopausal female with bleeding with histopathology showing simple hyperplasia with atypia ?

A) Progestins
C) Hysterectomy
Answer: C) Hysterectomy

64: Cytogenetic abnormality in synovial sarcoma ?

A) t(x;1Cool
B) t(x;21)
C) t(11;14)
Answer: A) t(x;1Cool

65: Congenital nephrotic syndrome is due to mutation in ?

A) Nephrin
B) Podocin
Answer: A) Nephrin

66: Which of the following is supplemented in heparin therapy to pregnant women ?

A) Calcium
B) Folic acid
Answer: A) Calcium

67: What is NOT seen in treatment with Erythropoietin in renal failure ?

A) increase in Hb
B) increase in Hematocrit
C) decrease in reticulocytes
D) eliminates the need for transfusion
Answer: C) decrease in reticulocytes

68: Facial Colliculi are located at ?

A) Interpeduncular fossa
B) Pons
C) Midbrain
D) Medulla
Answer: B) Pons

69: Which of the following does not affect embryogenesis during pregnancy ?

B) Rubella
D) Toxoplasmosis
Answer: A) HIV

70: Dharmendra / Roedley's scale ?

B) Leprosy
Answer: B) Leprosy

71: All of the following are Zoonosis except ?

D) Plague
Answer: A) HIV

72: Which of the following is Penetrating trauma to neck ?

A) 2 cms deep
B) Injury to vital structure
C) Penetrating Platysma
Answer: C) Penetrating Platysma

73: When to give platelets while doing splenectomy in ITP ?

A) At the time of ligation of splenic vein
B) After ligation of the splenic artery
Answer: A) At the time of ligation of splenic vein

74: All of the following are drawbacks of rhythm method / calendar method of contraception except ?

A) cannot be used when periods are irregular
B) higher incidence of congenital malformations
C) high failure rate of 10 per HWY
Answer: B) higher incidence of congenital malformations

75: Most important risk factor for Placenta accreta ?

A) Multiparity
B) Curretage
Answer: B) Curretage

76: In Mullerian agenesis syndrome, all are absent except ?

A) Uterus
B) Vagina
C) Cervix
D) Ovary
Answer: D) Ovary

77: All are true regarding Testicular feminization syndrome except ?

A) 46 XY
B) Absent / pouch Vagina
C) Well developed breasts
D) Presence of Public hair (Pubic hair)
Answer: D) Presence of Public hair (Pubic hair)

78: When abortion stick is used in vagina and cervix, mechanism of termination is ?

A) Uterine contractions
Answer: A) Uterine contractions

79: Ergometrine is contraindicated in ?

A) Heart disease
Answer: A) Heart disease

80: A Middle aged lady with small cystic mass in vulva near Bartholin's gland (? infected), pain on walking and coitus. Best managment is ? Management ?

A) Marsupialisation
B) Surgical excision
C) Incision / Drainage
D) Antibiotics
Answer: A) Marsupialisation

81: Not a part of active management of 3rd stage of labor is ?

A) Ergometrine within 1 min of delivery
B) Controlled cord traction
C) Uterine massage
D) Clamping and cutting the cord immediately
Answer: D) Clamping and cutting the cord immediately

82: Which of the following is not used as landmark for facial nerve in surgery ?

A) Tragal pointer
B) Posterior belly of digastric
C) Inferior belly of omohyoid
D) Retrograde dissection of peripheral branch
Answer: C) Inferior belly of omohyoid

83: Which of the following is not a compound / composite muscle ?

A) Biceps femoris
B) Rectus femoris
C) Adductor magnus
D) Pectineus
Answer: D) Pectineus

84: Joints between auditory / ear ossicles are of which type ?

A) Primary cartilaginous
B) Secondary cartilaginous
C) Synovial
D) Fibrous
Answer: C) Synovial

85: A sensory supply of masseter goes ot which nucleus of trigeminal nerve ?

A) Spinal
B) Motor
C) Mesencephalic
Answer: A) Spinal

86: Most common cause of visual morbidity in India ?

A) Refractive errors
B) Cataract
Answer: B) Cataract

87: All are true about YAWS except ?

A) It is a STD
B) It is caused by T. pallidum sp pertenue
Answer: A) It is a STD

Question 88: Mechanism of action of Pralidoxime ?

A) Reactivation of choline-esterase
Answer: A) Reactivation of choline-esterase

89: Which of the following is not a source of high energy phosphate ?

B) Glycolysis
C) Oxidative phosphorylation
Answer: D) HMP

90: Which of the oncogenes is associated with growth factors ?

A) fos
B) jun
C) mys
D) sis
Answer: D) sis

Question 91: Ice-berg phenomenon represents ?

A) apparent / inapparent
B) symptomatic / asymptomatic
C) diagnosed / undiagnosed
D) case / carriers
Answer: A) apparent / inapparent

Question 92: "Torsades de pointes " is seen in ?

A) Quinidine
B) Digoxin
C) Phenytoin
D) Chlorthiazide
Answer: A) Quinidine

Question 93: Which of the following drugs is NOT contraindicated in G6PD Deficiency ?

A) Chloroquine
B) Quinine
C) Primaquine
D) Pyrimethamine
Answer: D) Pyrimethamine

Question 94: Thymoma is associated with ?

A) Myasthenia gravis
B) Hypergammaglobulinemia
D) Multiple sclerosis
Answer: A) Myasthenia gravis

Question 95: Ipratropium bromide is contraindicated in ?

A) Peptic ulcer
B) Bronchial asthma
C) Hypertension
D) Urinary retention
Answer: D) Urinary retention

Question 96: Vitamin B12 is used along with folic acid in Megaloblastic anaemia because ?

A) Folic acid improves anaemia but not the neurological deficit
D) B12 acts as a coenzyme for folic acid metabolism
Answer: A) Folic acid improves anaemia but not the neurological deficit

97: Corporo-basal index is used for the estimation of ?

A) Race
B) Sex
C) Age
D) Stature
Answer: C) Age

98: Inclusions deposited in Pick's bodies in Pick's disease is ?

A) Hyperphosphorylated tau
B) ubiquitin
C) alpha-synuclein
D) beta-synuclein
Answer: A) Hyperphosphorylated tau

99: In MEN1, most common carcinoma seen in pancreas is ?

A) Gastrinoma
B) Glucagonoma
C) Insulinoma
D) Somatostatinoma
Answer: A) Gastrinoma

100: Pollicization ?

A) Surgical construction of a thumb from a finger
Answer: A) Surgical construction of a thumb from a finger

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